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A huge jizo statue at Taisoji temple
Several years ago, I enjoyed a walk around Shinjuku with a fellow photographer. During our time together, he introduced me to a local temple, Taisoji. In its courtyard was a huge statue of the Buddha. I was surprised that it was only a short walk from one of Tokyo’s busiest stations. It even had a bonus surprise for me!
We’ll talk about that surprise later. First was the Buddha. Well, that’s what I thought it was. It was in the pose of someone sitting and praying (or meditating). How could I be wrong? I’d seen it a million times before.
That was in 2019. When I revisited it in 2021, I realized I was in error. My initial conclusion was wrong. I didn’t know as much as I thought I did.
It wasn’t a Buddha. Yes, I was utterly wrong. If it wasn’t that, what was it? I’ll give you a hint. Look around its neck. What do you see? A red bib. That should be a giveaway!
It is a jizo statue! A guardian of children, travelers, and firefighters. No mistake. That is what it was.
How embarrassed do you think I felt? Quite, let me tell you. When I first laid eyes on the statue, its size deceived me. I ignored all the telltale signs.
This one is quite famous historically. There is a plaque under it that tells the story. It is one of the six Big Jizo Statues in Tokyo. That means there are another five in the city somewhere. I’ll photograph them one day.
So, I’ve done a little research. I discovered Vicki L. Beyer on her website, Jigsaw Japan. She wrote a great article about them. It goes into who built them and why. Of course, you can see the locations as well. It is good reading.
Anyway, it is good to set the record straight at last! If you have seen the other five giant jizo statues, let us know that, too! I’m sure they are interesting Tokyo photo spots.
Where is this Jizo statue?
It is at Taisoji temple, in Shinjuku. If you walk from the JR station, it should take roughly ten minutes.
Address: 2-9-2 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Here is a Google map:
How tall is it?
267 cm.
Opening hours
9 am to 5 pm
Entry fees
Taisoji’s bonus jizo statue
What? There is a bonus jizo? Yes, a special one is in a corner. It is covered in salt! I’m not joking the stuff is piled on thick. You need to visit it if you are sick. Why?
Take some of its salt home with you and rub it on the afflicted area. Once it is healed make an offering back to the jizo of twice the amount you took. I don’t know if it works or not, but the story says it does!
Photo spots near the Jizo Statue
Articles on external sites about Taisoji
- Vicki L. Beyer’s article on Jigsaw Japan
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