Canned bread at Tokyo's Inokashira Park

Canned bread is another thing you can buy from a Tokyo vending machine. I’ve seen them sell magazines, toys, flowers, and underwear. But something this mundane? This was a first. It’s in Inokashira Park. The first time I saw it, I was a little shocked, to be honest. Chocolate or strawberry, take your pick. There are also more surprises! Some you might find a little strange.

After being a little dumbfounded at my discovery, I decided to buy some. My coins went into the slot and I pressed the button for chocolate. I grabbed the can and shot off home as quickly as the train would take me. Yes, I wanted to try it.

In my kitchen, I examined the can. The company that made it was Akimoto. Getting the contents out took some work. The contents were in greaseproof paper, which stuck to everything. I needed to remove it delicately to prevent damaging the bread. But once out, I noticed its fresh, chocolaty aroma. We were off to a good start!

The taste? Well, it was like chocolate bread. No surprise there. It was a little lackluster in the taste test and relatively soft. Not worth the price. I shouldn’t have been surprised. It’s the one food Japan can’t get right. I love Japanese food, but this country doesn’t understand bread. For ¥550, I was expecting more.

Luckily, there are bakeries nearby where buying cheaper and more delicious bread. Then again, I guess hardcore vending machine addicts would have to visit this one. I imagine people buy these cans to impress their friends on Facebook.

If you want to impress people, look at the cans next to the bread. They are grasshoppers and bee larvae. No mistake, grasshoppers and bee larvae. Dead, of course. One costs ¥900, the other is a whopping ¥2300!! You can find out which is which. Anyway, I could do both cheaper with a butterfly net, an old Coca-Cola can, and a walk through the woods. Until then, I’ll pass because those prices are over the top.

Where is the canned bread vending machine?

It is easy to find. Enter Inokashira Park from the side closest to JR Kichojoji Station. Go down the stairs, and the kiosk will be ahead of you on the left. You’ll spot the machines with no trouble. Here it is on a Google map:

Note about the grasshoppers and bee larvae

A note on the vending machine says you should get a “youji”, a toothpick. You can get them at the shop. You’ll need one to eat the can’s contents.


Have you tried Akimoto’s canned bread? What about the grasshoppers and bee larvae? Let me know if you have. You can also put questions and comments below. Please read my full article about Inokashira Park.

Picture of Rohan Gillett
Rohan Gillett

Rohan has lived in Tokyo for 30+ years. He loves photography and plans to capture the entire city.

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