Happy New Year 2023 from Tokyo in Pics
Happy New Year 2023 from Tokyo in Pics. I hope you didn’t have too much to drink on New Year’s Eve. If you read my last article, you know I had a sedate day. I did my yearly walk. This time it was from Takanawa Gateway Station to Ginza. But I was up early to take these photos.
2022 didn’t go according to plan for me, but life is like that. The biggest thing in the year was deleting my Squarespace site and migrating to WordPress. That happened in February. Even though that was ten months ago, not everything has gone smoothly.
Unfortunately, I misplaced many photographs. So I can’t republish the articles they belong to until I find them. Well, such is life. But it taught me a valuable lesson. Websites mightn’t last forever, and correct archiving of information is required. It might be needed again in the future. That would have to be my most valuable lesson from 2022. And it was a bitter one!
I’ll remember it for a long time, but I will push on. The new website is progressing and getting bigger each month. Hopefully, by the end of 2023, it should have 500 articles. We’ll see what happens.
By the way, are you wondering about the photos in this article? I took them from my apartment’s rooftop on January 1, 2023. The building shots look towards the east. In that area are Shinjuku, Tokyo Tower, Azabudai Hills, and Tokyo Skytree.
The mountain is Fuji, of course. I have an unimpeded view of it. If you look at it with the naked eye, it’s pretty small as it is nearly 100 kilometers away. But with my Fujifilm 100-400 mm, it’s big in photos!
New Year 2023 started on a good note, for sure. The weather was cloudless, and it wasn’t cold. I can remember some previous years that were bitterly cold.
Anyway, I hope your 2022 was a good one. And I wish you a great 2023.
Happy New Year!
Rohan Gillett
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