Tokyo Station: random night photos

Tokyo Station avenue bridal photo shoot
A night-time bridal shoot in front of Tokyo Station.

In early January 2020, I decided to go to Tokyo Station. I walked around and took random shots for a couple of hours. It was a fun night, me and my Fujifilm X-T2. The weather was cold, though.

My first stop was a short walk from the trains, the KITTE Building. Tripods and monopods aren’t allowed on its observation deck. But I discovered that parts of its glass fence are wide enough to support a small camera! It was stable enough to take some long-exposure photos.

After that, I took photos from random spots in front of Tokyo Station. I went around Gyoko-Dori, the Marunouchi, and Shin-Marunouchi Buildings. Everywhere I went, it was the same thing. I saw something I liked, set up the camera on the tripod, took a few pictures, and moved on. Repeat, repeat, repeat until it was time to go home.

Despite the bitter cold, the area was busy. Some wedding photographers were there with their brides and grooms. I couldn’t believe these people were taking their photos in the middle of winter. There were three or four such groups.

While the photographer was snapping away, the couples looked picture-perfect. During breaks, the girls tried to keep warm. They must have felt like ice. Their assistant brought jackets out. The men rubbed their hands and arms to get some warmth into them before the next set of pictures started. The discomfort was probably worth it as the area is the perfect backdrop. Tokyo Station is beautiful as are the lights. Everyone should be happy with their pictures.

In the end, I ended up with some random pictures, but it was fun. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. They are very, very welcome!

Have you ever photographed there? I’d love to hear about your experiences doing it if you have. And I’d also love to see some wedding photographs taken there! I wonder how competitive and profitable the industry is.

One last thing!  You should pop into Tokyo Station one day.  The Marunouchi Exits have some beautiful ceilings.  They are the originals!  Anyway, please leave any questions and comments below.

Photographs from Tokyo Station photo gear:

Camera Body:  Fujifilm X-T2


  • Fujifilm XF10-24mmF4 R OIS
  • Fujifilm XF 16-55mm F2.8 R LM WR

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