All Japan Model and Hobby Show 2022

Bandai Gundam mobile suit
A Gundam Mobile Suit from Bandai.

All Japan Model and Hobby Show 2022 was great fun. It was also my first visit to it. I was impressed. It only took up the 1 and 2 South Halls of Tokyo Big Site, but there was so much stuff. The event was every hobbyist’s dream. 

Anything they wanted was there. And what wasn’t, I bet someone who was there could get it. People of all ages flooded the venue.

Yamato battleship model
IJN Yamato.

There are many arenas for it around the country. Actually, I hope to go to one in Tsukuba soon, so please come back for that article. It should be happening soon.

Yokomo Racing remote-controlled cars
The Yokomo booth.

And then there were the plastic model makers. Tamiya was there. But others were too. Many of the kits dealt with military subjects. Many of them centered on World War II. Some were giant. The IJN Yamato battleship was 2 meters in length.

Crown model replica assault rifles
Crown replica gun booth.

Many of the other models were science-fiction-themed. Much of it came from the Gundam universe. They were camera magnets! Everyone made a beeline for them. Bandai’s booth took up a lot of floor space.

F-15I Ra'am fighter model
F-15I Ra'am fighter model.

Many of their models were for Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury. It’s a new animation. If you didn’t know, the series has had no major productions for a few years. Fans will love the new models.

All Japan Model and Hobby Show 2022 also had many guns! These replicas looked amazing. Many of them looked like the real thing. If you wanted a Kalashnikov AK 47, you could buy one. Or maybe you wanted to be Dirty Harry and need a Smith and Wesson M29. You could get one of those too. Of course, they had every accessory an enthusiast could want.

It was a great day. I really enjoyed walking around and looking at everything. If I had a larger apartment, I’d take up model building. Unfortunately, I lack the space. Maybe when I win the lottery, I’ll be able to do it.

Tamiya Comet Tank
A Tamiya Comet Tank.

If you are in Japan in 2023, you should visit the All Japan Model and Hobby Show. It’ll be at Tokyo Big Site, and the entry fee is very reasonable. I can’t wait to go back.

USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier model
The USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier.

All Japan Model and Hobby Show note

By the way, the event was photographer friendly. Every booth I visited welcomed cameras. But video was forbidden in a few areas.  

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